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What is Silk Screen Printing & How Does it Work? Hear it From leading Silk Screen Printing Ink Suppliers

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What is Silk Screen Printing & How Does it Work? Hear it From leading Silk Screen Printing Ink Suppliers

January 13, 2021

Silk screen printing helps in making beautiful prints and designs on T-shirts, cups, photographs and other surfaces with ease. With this method, the ink does not get soaked into the cloth rather the print is made on the surface of the cloth.

The ink like a thick surface layer on top of the cloth material. Using the right method and ingredients it also can be washed easily. Because of a large number of applications of this printing method many suppliers and manufacturers use this as a printing process.

There comes a special silk screen printing ink, that makes phenomenal prints as per the requirements. A number of suppliers and manufacturers manufacture this ink. Today it is also possible to buy these inks in the required quantity online.

So, let us know about the screen printing process in general in more detail and understand how it works:

Color Selection:

In the screen printing process, frames are made for each colour that needs to be used. With the help of these frames layer by layer, the required print is created on the screen. Colours are accordingly made by the manufacturer. Apart from the regular colours custom colours and designs can also be used.

Silicone Ink can also be used for this purpose. The ink used in the silk screen printing process is usually thick. It is because of its thickness that it does not get soaked on the cloth rather create a beautiful print on the surface.

Leading suppliers and designers also do classic colour mixing techniques in case of specific demands and requirements.

Printing on The Surface:

It might be a t-shirt or any other surface, usually, the screen printing is achieved with the help of a press. A special iron-boarding device is used on the surface of which the t-short is pressed.

The screen or the frame created for printing purpose is then rolled over this pressed t-shirt to make a required print. The t-shirt then gradually soaks up the ink creating the required print on the top of the surface.

Sometimes multiple screen printings are performed one after the other to achieve the required print. This usually depends on the type of cloth and the type of design to be made. Mixing of colours is also done with silicone transfer printing ink depending on the requirement.

The Drying Process:

After the printing process is completed the drying process comes into play. The drying process needs to be carefully performed in order to ensure that the colours don’t bleed and the quality of the print is maintained.

Also, once dried the print is matched with the required print to ensure if it matches what was expected.

This is how the screen printing process happens in a nutshell. We hope that this information and silk screen printing ink might have proven useful for you.

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